Welcome to the World!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

At 8h01 this morning, Zachary Bruce Cunningham was born, weighing 3.5kgs, and shouting loud and clear to all in the theatre!

It's been a long ride for Jacqui - we went from trying to supress the labour, to praying for him to come! Yesterday, Jacqui felt that the baby was not as active as usual and so we consulted with the doc and had a foetal check-up - this revealed some potential distress for the little guy, and we got quite worried. Later in the evening a second check-up confirmed it and Jacqui was advised to have a cesarian section - ! really not what she had hoped for. However, the overriding factors of danger to the baby and the desire to eventually see the little guy led her to willingly accept. Thus, at 7h30 this morning, of we hurried to the theatre to get him out!

Well, at 8h01 he was delivered, looking strong and healthy, and Jacqui and I had no desire to hold ack the tears of joy.

There was muconium (spelling?) in the amniotic fluid which confirmed the need to have him taken out asap.
Praise the Lord for a perfect timing!
Jacqui is in pain from the operation, and I gues it will be maybe another night or two in the hospital.

we'll keep you posted