Birdsong~ What a View!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The house that we've been blessed with and will call home for the next 2 months has a breathtaking view.

This picture was taken as the sun was setting, causing the sky to turn a flourecent pink. Unfortunately this photo doesn't do it justice. You really had to be here.

Our 'home' is actually holiday accomodation, known as "Birdsong". It didn't take us long to figure out why. At the crack of dawn, the garden comes alive with the most beautiful Bird chorus. We have spotted many new birds (new to us anyway). This Bottle brush pictured here is permantly open for business to the most beautifull little sugarbirds. What's quite special is that in the mating season, the males have rather long tail feathers that glide around like streamers in the air.