My new Peruvian Lily

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Isn't this just a GORGEOUS bloom!?!
I noticed this stunning plant as we ambled around at the Wild Oats Farmers Market in Sedgefield on saturday. I was absolutley enraptured with it's beauty and desperately wanted one for myself! So yes, I indulged and bought it. :)


Buckland said...

Boy it's been a long time since I last came onto this blog. So great to get some news from you. I hope you get some time to load wedding photos for us all to see. Have a great week further.

Gatto999 said...
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Debbie said...

I my friend, so nice to find you and read about how you all are, we really do still miss you guys! Please excuse my ignorance but I am trying to become one of your followers but can't find the link? Take care for now!!!