When we got to the church, there was a lady standing outside,apparently expecting us by the email I'd sent. She welcomed us in after a short introduction and then disappeared into the back room where I guess the pastor and deacons where meeting.
I was able to follow the service quite well. We opened with some announcements, which included a welcome to us, and then we sang chorus songs, and then a message from Acts 13:13 on the faithfulness of God. It was really enjoyable, and the preacher was theologically of the same viewpoint as myself (although he was visiting). Most of t e sermon was looking at the Jews as God's people, and so at the end, the preacher had us sing Havenu Shalom Alechem, with clapping and great joy!
Afterwards, we had a couple of personal greetings as we made way to the door. Then it was back to Verwoude for uitsmijters and custard for brunch.
We all lay down for an hour before leaving to see Oupa. It was a journey by taxi and Pappa insisted we do it in style with jacket and tie.
Oupa stays in a nice 'European care hotel' and we met Laura's folks who are there on holiday. It was a nice to see him, but he is quiite old and not able to hear/understand much.
We came to be quite certain that if we eve came to live here, we would only really enjoy the countryside living. The city life and highways are just not good to us. It was so nice to arrive back in Verwoude. The taxi driver commented that this village is just like those in English Countryside.
There is always more time to spend with such a late sundown. So even though we arrived home after 9, we still had some tea and mergpypjes, and then some cheese tasting.
Therefore, it is already 11-18 and we're still awake. Must go to bed then. Last night we just couldn't fall asleep. Jacqui heard the church bells ringing at 1-30am!
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