Saturday, 7 June

Saturday, June 07, 2008

The old muscles didn't want to get out of bed this morning. 48km of cycling was more than enough, and another 15m to the bathroom downstairs was 15m too many.

We had already decided to be at home today, maybe do some gardening. So at 10 we sat down for br4akfast - orange juice, bread with strawberries, and ontbijt koek.(not sure about my spelling,by the way)

Jacqui was too exhausted, but I got stuck into the garden and cleared out the overgrown pathway. The grass was about 2 inches thick at the root level, above the paving, and it rolled up like a luxurious carpet. The sun was shining again today, so it was very hot. There is a weed eater, but I think it is about 300w, with a 1mm line - way too weak for such veld! Mostly, it folds the grass over instead of cutting it. But it's all I had, besides the spades.

Besides t at, it was a still day. W did go for an afternoon walk, find a bench to sit on, and watch Saturday Afternoon Live with the local hosts. We saw a man wearing cloggs, carrying his baby, talking with his neighbour, boys playing in the street, one pretending to be a horse, and some girls taking a horse and pony for a walk. It was a nice time of connecting too.

We have been waiting with excitement for the horse and carriage parade to come through, but the rain might drive them away. It is a traditional game, with poles and rings, where the passenger needs to poke their little pole through a suspended ring as the horse canters past. This has been a tradition for centuries.

There were lots of different kinds of carriages, and quite a few spectators. The riders were of various ages too - it was all very interesting and lovely to watch.

We're tired now and have to go to church for 9h30, a little Baptist church who have no pastor at the moment. I emailed them to check if they're meeting, and they replied and are looking forward to meeting us. Pappa is not interested. He says they're a terrible denomination- So legalist and unfriendly. We'll see!