Thursday evening, 5 June

Friday, June 06, 2008

After a delicious supper, Hanneke drove us back to Friesland. We decided to fetch the bikes before going to Pappa, so that we could use them on Friday. It was a very clearevening and I had to take some pics at 21h00 of the sun still high above the horizon.

Cycling home was a hose. The sun was down but there was enough light. The cold wind had started and I couldn't handle my ears getting cold, so I wore Hanneke's pink beannie. Jacqui had 2 jackets, both with hoods. Because our ears were covered I had to keep asking, 'what did you say?', and if I didn't we'd only discover well into a discussion that we we talking about different things! The bikes had dynamo lights but that really put resistance on the pedaling, so we took turns in using them.


Pappi said...

Awake the harp, the lyre awake -
In shout and joy your voices raise!
In triumph sing the mighty Lord!
For he the heavens and earth
Has clothed in stately dress.

We rejoice with you in your gladness and blessing.

Love you guys.