Wednesday 11 June

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

There was not much time to get ready this morning. We had to be at Hanneke around 10, bags packed and waiting at Pappa. The last cycle was fresh and exhilarating. We had the icy wind behind us, thank the Lord! Even to the end He has given us much grace! After returning the bikes we went back with Hanneke to Pappa, stopping on the way for fuel, where she also bought a pair of clogs for the kids! They have the Frisian symbol all over it, so they’re very special. More stuff to pack!


The goodbye at Pappa was not too long, because we’d already thanked him and talked about the ‘goodbye’ since yesterday. Jacqui gave Hanneke a quick tour of the garden and then we left. Fortunately, bu God’s grace again, she discovered that her wallet was still in the kitchen! And our toiletries still in the bathroom! It is sad for Jacqui to say goodbye to her dad. We’re not even sure if we’ll ever see him again.


On the way to Leiden I was so tired that I tried to jip in the back seat. The cold air had also given me a head-ache and the white skies were very bright. Jacqui took good care of me and provided some Panado.


We arrived at lunch time and I got one last time to try something new (Dutchy): kremte-bollen, like hot cross buns, without the cross on it. There was also a nut spread, but it was not peanuts – rather hazelnuts and other stuff, very yummy.


We had a good time of kuiering, with Jeroen now present. He battled with English and I with Dutch, so it was a very even-sided battle. But the ladies helped us along. The discussion went over the possibility and likelihood of us moving here, even studying. It seems the is a bursary fund for South African graduates for a masters program at Leiden university. I could do a masters here, fully paid, if I were to apply and be accepted. When they asked us if there was anything I didn’t like about Holland, I said, “the people” – which became a big joke.


Jacqui found an interesting kiddies story book in the lounge. I attach a photo. If you can read Afrikaans, you can probably work out what it is saying. Hanneke thinks it’s a lovely idea, and has got one for her house as well. She says the kids find it very interesting.


Jacqui and I took time to visit the windmill museum I’ve so been looking forward to (De Valk), but it was so chilly, and I think we were both so tired that we didn’t last long. It was very interesting of course, but I think we could’ve gotten more out of it if we were more physically comfortable. We also went to hunt for a weighing tool so that we could weigh our baggage, but to no avail. We did find some offish attitude though, when Jacqui persisted with a shop helper to make sure they understood what we were looking for. “I SAID, WE DON’T HAVE ANY”


We did get a little lost again. Jacqui’s sense of direction is quite funny. But combine that with my unsureness of where we are, and it becomes quite scary. Jacqui spoke to a florist to get directions, and I tried speaking to a cafe owner, who seemed could hardly speak English or Dutch!


When we got to the market place, we had our last Stroop Wavel (the large ones) and then made our way home, to have supper. It was another Indonesian dish! How blessed we are – everything is an experience!


We managed to Skype the girls at Mum and Dad’s. Mum was out and Dad was looking after them. Just as we skyped, there was great trauma as a glass lamp had fallen and broken, and the girls were deeply upset. No one was hurt (although I think it fell on Lila) and Danica often affirmed that it was not she who did it. They’re doing well, and it seems are looking forward to see us. Danica has a cold though, and I’ve heard that Joberg is very cold.


Before packing our bags, we sat for coffee and heard stories about Jacqui’s great grandfather who was a dominee. He was quite a prominent man in Leiden and there are some interesting accounts from his life. They have kept a whole lot of documents and certificates and magazines from his era, that talk about him!


Well, I hope we are not overweight. We are taking a lot more than we expected, and we can’t weight it!


Strakon said...

Wow what a trip, how long were you in Holland?

Nice pics!

So when will you guys be leaving to Holland to live (hahaha)?

