On Thursday morning, it was a quick get-up because we needed to catch the train at Leiden station by aroun 8h30. Jeroen trapsed with us, all of us carrying our baggage. Of course it was rush hour, and so we were tightly squashed just inside the train doors. I was wearing my leather jackuet because I didn't want the weight in my case, but it made me so hot, I was sweating in that enclosed area. I think I bothered a few people with my ruck-sack knocking them as people moved in and out, and as I tried to find leg room.
At Schipol airport, I climbed off with Jacqui and we said goodbye to Jeroen. Because she had check-ed in online, she did not need to go through the check-in desk, but went straight to the baggage drop-off. And then we had a brilliant idea! Yes. We asked the chap if he would weigh both our bags, so that we could check the limmit. Jacqui was just within it (19.5kg's) and I had a few to spare (18kg) - which meant I could get rid of this jacket!
We didn't waste much time, and I kissed her goodbye, seeing her go through to passport control.
The rest of my day was taken up with travelling to Amsterdam by train and then waiting for the train to Frankfurt, Germany. I had about 4 hours to spare, so I put my case in storage, and went to do some sight-seeing. The toilets at the station cost 50c entry. That's not bad, I guess. They're well managed and clean. But to my surprise, even though I entered through the mens door, I discovered that men and women share the same space! It was quite wierd, walking around the corner to find the urinals, when I know that there are ladies on the other side powdering their noses. You can also pay E7 for a shower, and they have things like hair gel available too!
It seems Amsterdam wakes up late, probably because they're up so late at night. It was very quite, almost like a bit of a ghost town. I had been warned by Jeroen not to look like a tourist, to avoid pick-pocketing etc, and so I was too weary of taking pictures, or looking conspicuously at my map.
The town was quite pretty. The older part has lots of little shops and houses squashed together, rising high for many levels. So you walk through a maze-like route, and are never quite sure where you are headed. I worked out a basic plan and knew where to head if I got lost, but there were some times when I was wondering if I was going in the right direction at all! I must have done tons of walking. I was not up for paying money to sit at a restaurant, and most of them were closed.
I did stumble upon the palace, and de Nuwe Kerk, which has an organ recital every Thursday. It was a lovely experience to sit and listen to the pipes resounding through the high arches, quite a relaxing and meditative time. Some of the other tourists seemed a bit bored with it, while others looked like they enjoyed it as much as I did. While I was listening, I snuk some cheese from my bag - I was hungry and this was free!
Madam Tussauds was across the road, and I could've gone for E18. It is a multi-storey building, and there was a big queue waiting outside. But, I decided to save the bucks. I did find a baker though, and bought a cheese croissant. I asked for it in Dutch, and she answered me in English. I don't think I've gotten my accent quite right.
There was the odd adult store, but nothing too in-your-face. Until I turned one corner and found myself looking up at a second-storey window with 2 ladies in underwear looking down at me. Oh-oh, my gosh. And then I noticed a little red lantern down below on the wall. I thought I'd turn to the left and move away from this area, but saw a whole row of similar lanterns there too! Well, I knew where I was now. So I did an about turn and went back the way I came. After this, there were a few different places I went that I noticed this kind of window-display. Actually, there was nothing attractive about it, and I felt quite sorry for the ladies - it's a sad thing. Selling yourself, it's all you've got left, and I'm sure a lot of men reject you anyway, or even laugh or jeer. I did find a little church right in the middle of such a row. Good job! Get in there and minister to them!
The train back to Frankfurt was direct and without hassle this time. There was a bit of a delay at the airport waiting lounge, but I was tired and wanted to sit anyway. The plane ride was pretty good, and I had all the same inflight entertainment as I had on the way there. But I couldn't sleep too well, because the guy next to me had his earphones up so loud that I could hear it above the noise of the plane!
It was awesome to see the family again. Danica and Lila came running to me as I came through the doors, before everyone else, and I was reminded of how Heather and I used to wait for Dad coming back from his trips. I felt so rich to have a wonderful family. Back home! Oma tooks us all back home, and we spent the day relaxing, and catching up on all the news.
Thank you Lord!
Homecoming, The last day!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
at 9:27 AM
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