Good-bye Limpopo!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sorry that it's taken us so long to get blogging, but I figured that late was better than never, and seeing as Malcolm is busy adding the final touches to his sermon, I thought that now would be a good time to catch up and post some pictures.

We left our home (which without our furniture was just a sad looking house) in Polokwane on Wednesday 28th and headed off for Jozi. It was sad to say good-bye to so many very special people, but knowing that we are following the Lord made it easier to bear.

We had a lovely couple of days catching up with friends and family. We also sold our faithfull little Kadette and were so BLESSED to be able to buy Shanley's Renault. My newbaby drives like a dream. Thank you Jesus!

We said our goodbyes at the Farewell that Mum & Dad so kindly arranged for us, as well as at my(Jacqui) Family farewell- which doubled as a little birthay party for Zachary.

The kids LOVED seeing their cousins again and are going to miss all 5 of them so much! Here Mattie and Zack play house.

On Sunday morning we were up at 4:00 to do some last minute packing and make some good old PADKOS! We spent all day driving down to Colesbug where we spent the night. We had been driving in 2 cars for about 10 hours, stopping every 2-3 hours. The kids were really good and I think it helped that we kept shuffling them between the 2 cars. We enjoyed a pleasant dinner at "Die Plattelander" followed by a lovely evening walk around the little town. Kids were in bed before the sun went down and mom and dad were EXHAUSTED!